Deliah Baker
Tell us a bit about yourself ?
I’m De, I live in little Jersey and I love it! I am at school still and find it incredibly boring but that’s just the way it is. I like to do many different things including surf of course, sport, take photos, shop, see friends, party and listen to lots and lots of music. I like to drink lots of tea and think. I like to meet new people that interest me and make me laugh and I like to enjoy myself like the rest of you!
How long have you been surfing?
3 years.
Where is home?
Jersey, St Ouens
Favourite break?
Watersplash, Secrets, Gutheary-Basque coast.
Coolest band...in the world !
Modest Mouse, Kings of Leon, Bloc Party – can’t choose! I love all sorts of stuff apart from most pop tunes.
Way to beat the crowds ?
I tend not to, & if I do I use my charm!
Glory day ?
When I managed to earn money, shop, surf in a bikini in Jersey, eat a good meal, see lots of people and go to an amazing party on one summer day!
Party I went to recently ?
A friends 18th at a fort.
Long or Short?
Perfect Board?
My brothers 5,6 twin fin fish from indo-it’s just love!
Boyfriend in tow?
Denim or Combat?
Denim but only on the legs no jacket or anything!
Coffee or Tea?
Tea- it’s my life!
Item of clothing?
Dresses and leggings.
Biarritz or Fistral ?
Snapper or teahupoo?
Can’t say I’ve been.
Rob Machabo, Donavon Frankenreiter, Taylor Knox, My family.
Morning or afternoon?
Morning- nice and fresh.
Do you get scared and how do you deal with it?
Sometimes and erm find the nearest light switch. Lights make it all better!
Do you do any specific training?
Not specific but I do things like Bikram yoga, netball, swimming etc.
Kaisers/Killers or Keane?
Killers by far!
Other extreme sports?: snowboarding,kitesurfing,freestyle ski?
snowboarding,kitesurfing,freestyle ski? Erm a bit of Skiing, wakeboarding and skating.
What’s the future?
Get my education, surf around the world, meet lots of interesting people, get a good job and how ever lame it sounds try and live my life to the full with no regrets!